Saturday, September 29, 2012


Tetrad of Computers
Enhancement:  A computer is a technology that allows people to surf the web to find information, shop for goods, and connect with friends and others around the world.
Reverse: Computers may continue to bring about newer models. Nothing may ever replace computers.
Retrieve/Rekindle: When thinking of a computer, it brings to mind a type writer, word processor and analog computers.
Obsolete: Computers replaced a number of things like the television, radio, video games, calculator and word processor just to name a few.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Emerging Technology

A current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning in education is game-based learning. “Game-Based learning is a method of teaching that engages students in the topic, makes learning fun and motivates learning outside of the classroom,” (Lauren, 2012). The two types of game-based learning are trivia/board games and computer games. One problem that has been associated with “game-based learning has been the inadequate integration of educational and game design principles,” (Kiili, 2009). The societal needs that this technology meets is acquiring transferable skills. Daniel (2012) explains that games can be used to foster learning of transferable skills and can be effectively designed and developed towards this aim. Some benefits of game-based learning are learning, motivation, formation of social networks and the integration of a range of tools. If I were to make this technology better, I would like to see more challenging games. I would also like to see games that correspond with each subject area.

Website for information on game based learning:




Lauren, D. (2012). Research on Game Based Learning. Retrieved from

Kiili, K. (2009). Call for educational game design patterns. Retrieved from

Daniel, (2012). CFP: Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities. Retrieved from