Sunday, October 28, 2012

Second Life: A Disruptive Technology

Thornburg (2009) explains that a disruptive technology is a new technology with the same functions of existing technology, but function more efficiently and then obsoletes that technology. Disruptive technologies have always been in existence and can basically come out of nowhere. Thornburg (2009) describes these types of technologies as “wild cards” they can hit the scene at any time and can create a huge disturbance on the existing technology. One technology that has become a disruptive technology is a website called “Second Life.” “Second Life is a 3D virtual world where everyone seen is a real person and every place visited is built by anyone,” (Second Life, 2012). This technology is a disruptive technology because it disrupts the flow of online video games, internet surfing, distant learning and social networking. This technology allows for individuals to indulge into a world full of fantasies and excitement creating any and everything they have ever dreamed of. There is no cost to join and is very user-friendly. Although Second Life hasn’t completely taken over the social and educational front, it is becoming more and more popular every day.

With Second Life gaining much popularity, one must wonder when it will end. Everything has an expiration date and Second Life is any different than the next technology. With technology becoming more efficient every day, I personally think that Second Life may have another 5 years on the scene before another emerging technology replaces. Once a formula is created that becomes popular, it’s only a matter of time before someone creates a similar, but better technology that functions more efficiently. An example of this is cell phones. As soon as one model of a cell phone comes out, it becomes very popular and everyone must have one. Very shortly, sometimes within months, a better cell phone hits the market making the existing cell phone obsolete. The newer phone is just a tad bit nicer with more gadgets. This cycle with cell phones and all other technologies will go on for a lifetime.

Although Second Life is used for many things, there is a huge social benefit for becoming a member. One social benefit of this technology is that people with the same likes and interest can interact on all sorts of levels. Another social benefit of Second Life is it gives individuals a place where that can meet people from all over the world can share their ideas on this one site. They can see how each other’s cultures are and basically learn about each other. In my industry, which is education, virtual worlds can be very beneficial. This can be a place where students can go and hang out virtually with other students from their school or other schools within their city or all over the globe. Students will also be able to share information about their schools and create a virtual world of their school so others can take a look into their world. Teachers can also use this as a tool for students to see show how other people around the world interact.


Thornburg, Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Disruptive technologies. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Second Life. (2012). Second Life: Your World. Your Imagination. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rhymes of History Technology

Dr. Thornburg describes a “rhyme of history” as the affect or impact of a new development rekindling something from the distant past. As I think of an example of a technology that represents a rhyme of history, it brings me to online dating. Online dating has become very convenient and popular all over the world. Finding someone to date in the past that was compatible with you seemed nearly impossible. First, you had to actually go out to meet someone. Next, you and the other party had to catch each others’ eye. Then, if you both agree to take it past the eye contact, you break into this awkward conversation and so on and so on. So today, the rhyme of history would be online dating sites. Online dating sites allows for individuals to search for potential dates by specifying their preferences by race, age, body type, and interest just to name a few. Instead going on 50 dates to find “your perfect combination,” online dating sites allow for each individual to find their perfect match with one click. Adams (2008) explains that dating services are nothing more than modern matchmakers where the qualities of two people are compared and they are matched based on common interests and ideals. Online dating is also a great way for busy individuals to remain on the dating scene

Dating has been around since biblical times and technology has changed how we date forever. Although technology has made finding a date more efficient, the fact of getting to know the person for who they are still remains. The difference with online dating and the old way of dating is basically the method used to find a date. Online dating doesn't allow for someone to know a person just by the information they read about that person. It still takes time and experience to get to know someone with both methods. Although online dating is very popular, some people refuse to use their services. Some people believe that true love happens by chance and not by searching the internet. Other people feel that it's dangerous to meet someone via internet because everything about that person can be false, hence meeting a dangerous person. Although online dating has become very popular, the old method of meeting people and dating still exist.

Some of the most common online dating sites are:

Adam, H.C. (2008). Online Dating Takes the Place of Real-Life Courtship. Retrieved from